詩人・吉増剛造さんとシンガーソングライター・マリリアさんのgozo’s DOMUSというチャンネルで、 2020年4月30日より毎週木曜日に映像詩「葉書Ciné」をアップしています。
葉書詩 吉成秀夫どのへ。 10 SEP 2020
Weaver Girl(織姫)
Teru-san! Teru-san!
Toward the evening of a day when an autumn rain’s fierce (Must be the forerunner of a typhoon), as if lured into the call of the mountain depths, I took the Chuo Line, with my other half giving a reactive momentum with a leg, stepping on the brake, shaking the car.
A small black shadow. Fifteen to sixteen hours ago, I was handed at the exit of the subway a handbill “Yubari Mine Survives,” the two miners who were on both sides of the exit, the wavering of their bodies, (That’s it!) with the bodies of those two remaining at the bottom of my eyes, (time) began to flow.
Lured into the call of the mountain depths, the autumn rain was fierce.
From the watershed farther inside there was the call of DAIBOSATSU (GREAT BODDHISATVA) Pass. In the rain, when I was walking ahead imagining the shape of a mountain that doesn’t exist in this universe, the rain struck my hood like pebbles, and I turned into the shape of the mountain that doesn’t exist.
The shape of the mountain, the rain striking the hood (thin burzon). The two stones put in my bag. Together, I got off at the station of ISHIGAMIMAE (STONE GOD FRONT), and on foot, went as far as the median point ( attracted by the sound of the water force ), shining bridge?
s h i n i n g
, bridge